Did he really turn these short stories into a book?! AND IT'S A NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER?!?!?!
I'm laughing my ass off, reading this "fratire" book--and yea, like the FRAT in the FRATire genre suggested, this book is geared towards guys. Beer guzzling, butt scratching, skirt chasing, asshole dickbags, for lack of better terms, or worse(?).
All I have to say is, LADIES:
This book is not for you. If you want to end up married some point in your later years, do NOT, I repeat, do NOT read this book. A plethora of romance novels can not repair the damage it'll cause on how you view men. I'm sorry I had to pike the interest and tease your curiosity, but don't even peek into this pandora box of evil. Even if you have a good sense of humor/open mindedness, do NOT read this book. =)