After feeling my blood sugar drop to the soles of my shoes, me and my adventure traveler, Chappeloneous, raced out of Prospect Park. We chased squirrels, gang feuding blue and red birds, dodged the pigeon casualty under the bridge, and clawed our way back to civilization. Artificial LIGHTS!!! A beacon of hope, and a sign that there were restaurants near by.
After walking pass countless of eatery establishments, we came upon Mango. I thought it was a froyo place, but I am happy to know I was wrong. Mango is a Thai fusion restaurant--I like thai food, and mangos are delicious, what other reason did I need to stop? We gleefully flailed our malnourished bodies into a seat by the wall.
As blood slowly moved its way back to our brains, and our conscious was regained, I noticed the quaint decor, and the smell of awesome coming out of the kitchen. The waitress kindly and promptly got us water, which I chugged like I just ran a marathon.
We ordered the Orange Chicken Wings and Curry Puffs for appetizers. Chappel took one bite and claimed he was hooked. Both appetizers were amazing!!! The chicken was soft and saucy, code orange saucy. That's almost as saucy as code red, like flavorrists are really about to attack your taste buds and your shirt. Thank goodness it was safe, and tasty.
For the main dish, I dished on Spicy Eggplant, flavored to perfection with Thai basil. I wanted to pour all my rice into that sweet and savory sauce. In fact, I would of licked the plate if 2 different families, with children mind you, haven't walked in. Chappeloneous got the Rack of Lamb, which his eyes rolled back as he bit into it.
"How do you eat art?!" he asked. Why like so, MUNCH MUNCH, OM NOM NOM NOM. (what's with the om nom nom nom phenom? Must be coz it's so fun to say! "omnomnomnomnomnom") Needless to say, it was a good experience, and yes...I did fancy it. The way a british bloke would fancy a good cup'o ale and a newspaper cone of fish and chips.
Mango....we WILL be back, and we'll bring reinforcements. Starved bears from le manor.

PS. something is wrong with blogger's picture uploader...YOU SUCK! And yes, that was a proclamation. Why do you gotta make it hard on everyone? I got uneven pictures, that I'm too lazy to fix. Staring at code gives me a headache. FIX THIS!! (please.)