Wednesday, January 23, 2008

To Nark or Not to Nark

Today for lunch, my company ordered take out from our usual lunch eatery. As I eagerly opened my box, fork in hand, mouth salivating, and stomach growling with a threatening "grrrrr", I spot on the edge of my food a single strand of.....HAIR!!!!!! Since the restaurant owners are friends of ours, I quietly removed the strand along with the surrounding pieces of lunch. 

To my dismay, I did not find only one, nor two, but THREE, that's three-times-more-than-necessary strands of hair--two stray floaty ones, and the last, which was my favorite, was lodged and looked like it was baked into my chicken. And all within 10 minutes. 

Here's my dilemma, do I rat to everyone I know the display of insanitary lack of hair nets during food preparation which led to my lunchtime debacle? Or do I just warn them and ask for some free meals? I would think the latter...but the placebo effect has started to sink in, and my stomach demands revenge! 

My Creative Director dubbed me Optic-Pecia Girl, and that my super hero power is that I am able to locate strands of hair, anywhere. He continued to elaborate, that as my powers develop, I am able to see any disembodied body parts, say nails, teeth, etc...and that I will be a one woman CSI power house. We had an interesting lunch conversation.

Any how, I think I'll just send the owner some Rogaine--signed Optic-Pecia Girl. And I'll nark when I find a fingertip in my chili. 

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