Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Trader Joe's Delectable Deserts

Some say diamonds are a girl's bestfriend, some might argue that chocolate is. This post is for chocolate lovers of the world-- (I'm not trying to exclude the fellers out there.)

Trader Joe's Triple Chocolate Bundt Cakes:

For Valentine's Day, I decided to pick up some mini chocolate bundt cakes at Trader Joe's for my lovely housemates. Let me describe this tender, soft, not too sweet, chocolatey-good dessert. It's a mini bundt cake that has a chocolate glaze and is also topped with generous handfuls of chocolate chips. Pop that puppy in the microwave for 20 seconds, and what you'll get is this warm, semi-gooey, close-my-eyes-and-fall-to-the-floor experience. 

It was so good that an anonymous somebody killed the rest of the box, leaving us miserable girls in search for more. Rich, chocolatey, and good. Period.

Trader Joe's Candy Cane Joe-Joe's

Something else you might want to pick up at Trader Joe's, while they're still available are the rather delicious, and should be out of season, Candy Cane Joe-Joe's. Two chocolate cookies sandwiching around a layer of sweet minty cream. If you're a fan of the mint and chocolate combo, you should try it! 

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