Monday, April 21, 2008

The Importance of Thanks

To the inconsiderate, spoiled, he-bitch that wasted my bloody time:

I don't think that being thankful should be reserved for Thanksgiving. Hey, if you're gonna spend half an hour bugging me to do you a favor(and an extremely dumb favor, at that), one would THINK that the least you could do is say thanks.

It's rude and shows how selfish you are when you dismiss such matters of manners. Oh and by the way, mumbling "oh yea, thanks (hyuck hyuck)" as an afterthought?(Especially when one has to remind your RUDE ass)--equally as patronizing. Look pal, I did YOU a favor. One shouldn't Me Me Me Me-Monster the day away.

Your parents should be shamed and hidden under a rock because they failed you as parents. They couldn't even teach you something as remedial as giving thanks. They need their parent card taken back and be smacked across the face with it because now you suck at life.


Sent from my iPhone

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