Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Chivalry Still EXISTS?!!?!

When I was going home, the most heartfelt thing happened on the muni today. 

Remember when old grandmas and old movies told us the mythical days of chivalry? You know, where a gentleman would take off his coat and lay it on top of a puddle in the street so that a lady wouldn't mess up her shoes? Well this story is something along those lines. It does involve an article of clothing, and it does involve a sizably good amount of water that might damage a lady's appearance.

So the seat infront of me happened to have a little puddle of mystery liquid on it. And the kind lady sitting in the seat next to it made sure anyone dumb enough not to look would not get their butts soaked in the said mystery liquid. Unfortunately, 3 stops into my journey, the kind lady left her post of puddle protecting. A few passengers came by and seeing the puddle passed on the seat and would look elsewhere. One brave soul, took the not so coveted seat next to it. 

The next stop, some lady tried to sit down, but I tried to stop her by gently pushing her back and telling her it was a wet seat. She smiled and searched for a seat towards the back. Then more passengers got on, and another unsuspecting lady tries to sit down. The lady in the adjacent seat tells her "Don't sit there!" and once again I'm trying to push her up so her bum wouldn't get wet. 

WELL, just as I was thinking, gee I wish I had some paper towels or some rag that I could wipe that puddle away with, the guy in the next row takes a sweater out of his bag and wipes it down and asked the miss if she would like to sit. Everyone in that car was smiling afterwards. 

Ladies, there's still hope!

1 comment:

lilpiptook said...

::sob!:: I wanna boyfriend!

That's the sweetest story ever! Between that, old episode of satc and those hilarious relationship stories (why its so expensive to have a gf...) I wanna bf!

Nam is tasked to find an aidan-like guy and u must supple the frisbee... And ... break!