Friday, July 11, 2008

Cafe Rat, Inc

Look Ma! I'm a professional Cafe Rat!

wifi, check
outlets, check
groove music, check
natural light, check
strong coffee, check
big tables, check
food! double check!!

Ok, it's been over a month since i've started my new at-home job and i havent had a super great experience working at a cafe because i havent found a good work-cafe. There's icafe, kaleco and assorted cafe around the neighborhood, but it just doesnt really hit me as a perfect work cafe because it's lacking something-- that X factor. Where you look arond and there are other pro cafe rats: teachers grading papers, software programmer trouble shooting a bug, aspiring writer re-writing the 1000th draft of his break through book.... etc etc

But that's just something really superficial that i can take or leave, but i noticed there are tons of cafes that just dont have the 2 essentials: wifi + outlet.... wtf man! boo you!

But atlas, I have found at least one HQ for Cafe Rat, Inc. See ya around, say hi, but just dont freak me out. i get scared easily......,-122.429538&zoom=15&name=San%20Francisco

139 Noe St , San Francisco, CA, 94114, USA
directions | spots near here | more in San Francisco

Wireless: free
Food: bakery-type snacks
Hours: Mon-Fri 6am-7:30pm; Sat/Sun 7am-8pm

PS! They have a sidewalk garden with a buddah =D

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