Monday, May 5, 2008

Cafe Chic

I recently informed my roomates that I really wished I was a writer.
And I continued my fantasy where I would be sitting at a coffeeshop
all day, wearing my nerdy thick framed glasses, typing witty prose all
day long. I would be a regular at imagined coffeeshop, and passerbys
would coo in awe at my masterpieces, the baristas would laugh at my
smart tongue n cheek satires, and pretty girls would be jealous of me
because they too have a secret desire to be a smart and successful

A girl can dream...

Sent from my iPhone


lilpiptook said...

is this a clever way of calling yourself pretty?

FuriousFeng said...

Hahaa. Maybe?

Actually I was thinking about that commercial where the hot model looking girl is jealously watching the average girl eating a burger and says "I hate you!".

Because most pretty girls are stereotypically (sadly) empty in the noggin', so they'll wish they were nerdily sitting in my chair, with (gasp! how fattening!) chai latte in hand. HEYO!

lilpiptook said...

you need to watch space, so we can quote that show...

i got an interview with the VP.. *HEY!*