Thursday, May 1, 2008

if only (aka chemistry)

i have met way too many 'if only' lately.

if only he was...
  • straight
  • older
  • younger
  • wasnt a dense hamster
  • taller
  • smarter
  • active
  • interesting/-ed
call me picky, but i think im entitled :)

there are too many nice guys out there, that fits 75% of what I'm looking for, but gosh, that 25%... that's the hardest part to find. wtf man!?

a friend asked me a curious question the other day: what elevates someone from just friends to that special someone? obviously-- attraction. but not just animal lust, attraction is a gamut of traits: from phsyical, emotional, mental, even spiritual. things are fostered, but there are things that just exists. just plain chemistry.

*SIGH*... so yes, so far just ideas of people, no one has manifested himself... yet

altho, im meeting lots of nice interesting people, just as long as they just understand i'm foremost just looking friendship... anything else just needs to be under the right circumstances.

i think lily's right, we need to find a power ranger to combine all those great trait/ideas to one guy.... it's *morphin'*time*!


FuriousFeng said...

Morphing on morphine!? AWESOME~!

Here's a quote for you:

"Got lotta love I be saving, got lotta hearts I be breaking..."

So you tell them "if only's" to stop holding their breath, unless they know how to morph (hopefully without the morphine) into an unstoppable perfect man!

lilpiptook said...
